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A busy week of activities at Princess Christian Care Home

Sensory room and colouring

Our residents at Princess Christian Care Home have enjoyed some recent trips to our sensory room, as you can see from all the smiling faces! We’ve also held some relaxing colouring sessions and our residents have made us some wonderful pictures that we have display around our Home.


Our ladies and gents always enjoy a game of skittles, so we had a ‘skittle off’ last week and our ladies definitely played a better game than our chaps! Well done to them!


Everyone was delighted to receive a visit from our Home tortoise Banana in the week. He is quite inquisitive and enjoyed exploring the surroundings, especially our residents’ beds!

Helping Hands

We have introduced a ‘Helping Hands’ activity time when our residents get involved with domestic jobs that they would have done when they were living at home. Our ladies and gents really thrived doing different tasks and Joan said: “I really enjoyed polishing today, it made me feel useful.”

Thank you to our residents for all their help.


