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A taste of India at Princess Christian Care Home

We had a very busy and very hot day in India on Wednesday 10 March at Princess Christian Care Home!

Some of our residents, who stayed aboard in their cabins, were visited with our trolley delivering tasty treats and mango-based smoothies, much to their delight!

Lunch was a scrumptious Chicken Tikka Masala or Chana Masala followed by a wonderful honey cake which was enjoyed by all.

Our passengers loved the busy, vibrant and colourful markets and the aroma of the spices was amazing! One of our residents bought 30 Sarees and we all had to help her carry them back to the ship, so I’m sure we shall see her wearing a different one each day!

Some of our passengers visited the Taj Mahal and were amazed by its beauty and serenity. They took lots of photos to show family back home.

As we boarded and set sail for our next destination, our Captain received a warning that a Pirate Ship had been spotted off the coast of Spain, so fingers crossed we won’t come into contact with them…!


Princess Christian Care Home staff with a resident on India Day

Everyone enjoyed the day





