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Tough Trail Success for Chef Assistant Eduard at Princess Christian Care Home

Way to go Eduard! You’ve made us all so proud!

Our running hero Eduard, completed a tiring 26.1 mile course with his first ever Trail Marathon on Saturday 25 May. The route, through The Surrey Hills, took a toll but didn’t dampen his spirits:

“Trail running feels like a different sport – from running on muddy logs to jumping from one stone to another to cross a little river – you can encounter everything. Trail is a lot harder than road running, nonetheless it’s enjoyable.”

Having completed the Manchester Marathon in April, and the Bracknell Half Marathon in May this year, Eduard had one simple goal in mind for this new challenge:

“As the trail marathon was something new for me, the goal was to finish it injury-free. I had to walk in some places, especially on some of the up-hills, to preserve my energy. Lately, I’ve been overtraining, and have done a few races in a row, so my time was 5:40.”

Goal setting has been key to Eduard’s running success this year:

“Last year, I did this course, but it was just 21K. This year, I completed the full 42K, and next year I’m planning to do the ultramarathon which is a 62K-course. I want to come back stronger every year .”

Eating enough to sustain his energy was an important factor throughout the trail race:

“My diet was the same as when I was training for the regular marathon, but what was different was the fuel I took during the race. The aid stations had oranges, watermelons, energy gels and many other fast carbohydrates. It was very hot and these were very welcome!”

Reflecting on all his 2024 races, Eduard cites the Bracknell Half Marathon in May as his favourite:

“The Bracknell Half was my favourite race this year. It marked the one year anniversary since my first big race which makes it very special to me. However, all of them were great in their own way.”

After months of intense training, Eduard said a period of rest and recuperation is in order:

“I will decrease my training intensity for now, until my legs are fully recovered, and improve my fitness level overall through diet control. After one month, I should be in better racing form, faster and lighter!”

Eduard has had the full support of his team members at Princess Christian Care Home, and Nellsar Head Office, throughout his running endeavours this year:

“I appreciate what all of you have done for me throughout my running journey; I couldn’t have done it without you. I never thought I would get so much support. Last Saturday I completed my hardest running challenge so far – a full length trail marathon – which marked the completion of my races for this season.”

Read about Eduard’s Bracknell Half Marathon in May

Read about Eduard’s Manchester Marathon in April

Congratulations, Eduard, on all your race achievements this year! Here’s to cheering you on again in the near future!



